Pool Services
Your swimming pool is a place to relax, rejuvenate, get fit, and have fun. And, if you take care of it properly, your pool will provide you with enjoyment for years to come. Maintaining your swimming pool also keeps your outdoor living space functional, provides a safer environment for your health, and saves you money in the long run. Well-maintained pools experience fewer problems and tend to need fewer repairs. At Avree Custom Pool Builders, we provide full pool services.
Oasis Package
- Your pool is serviced with our 23-point pool maintenance program including vacuuming, brushing, and skimming your pool weekly
- We test your pool’s chemical concentration and apply chemicals and minerals to keep your pool water clear, sanitary, and in optimum condition
- Empty pool skimmer and pump baskets
- Brush your pool steps, tile and walls
- Backwash your filters on monthly basis
- Keep your pool water clear, healthy and treat algae
- Monitor your pool’s operation by communicating any issues or potential problems that may arise
- Provide you with a weekly report of your water quality and pool maintenance conducted
- Test pool water chemistry (pH, alkalinity, chlorine, stabilizer, calcium hardness)
- Add necessary routine chemicals including shock, tablets, acid, alkalinity adjuster
Recommended Quarterly At A Minimum
Filter Cartridge Cleaning Service
● Full disassembly of filters
● Wash all filter cartridges
● Inspect all gasket surfaces, O-rings, and gaskets
● Drain and rinse entire filter shell
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